Settingan Kamera Sebelum Memotret

Camera Settings Before Shooting

Camera settings play an important role in producing good images. These settings usually vary according to shooting conditions, light, object and location. Several things you need to prepare before starting to shoot your camera:

1. Camera memory

Check your camera memory first. It's a shame that if you have everything ready just to snap, but it turns out your memory is about to be full, or even completely full. Previously you could move unused files or delete them.

2. ISO settings

ISO is usually often forgotten when setting the camera. If you are outdoors, it is recommended to use a small ISO, while in low light conditions you can increase the ISO. But remember not to go too high so that your photos don't have noise.

3. White balance

Don't underestimate white balance, KEE friends. The results of your photos are also greatly influenced by white balance. If you choose the wrong one, it could damage your photo. Adjust the white balance settings to the conditions and place you are shooting. Or maybe if you want a certain color tone in your photo, you can use this feature...

4. Camera exposure mode

On the camera, there are various exposure modes that can help and make it easier for you to take pictures. This setting also has an effect on getting certain effects on your photos. For example, if you want the background of your photo to be blurry, only the main object is in focus, you can use Shutter Speed ​​Priority / S (Tv) mode.

5. Image feature settings

Modern lenses are now equipped with various features that can make taking pictures easier, such as auto focus (AF) and image stabilization (IS) on the lens. Check first whether it is activated or maybe you want to turn it off.

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