- Equipment
What is needed for toy photography? It turns out it's simple, KEE friends... You can use a DSLR camera or you can use your cell phone camera too. But make sure that your cellphone camera can be used for macro photography, so that the details of the object can be seen.
What you need to have is a small tripod that can take low angles like a Gorillapod so that you can feel like you are in the world of this toy.
2. Lighting
Lighting is one of the most important elements in this type of photography. If outdoor photos are easy enough, you can use existing sunlight . Apart from that, you need to pay attention to the weather when you take photos, whether it supports the photo theme you want. Apart from that, you can use the help of a flash or reflector to fill in dark areas.
Source : www.plazakamera.com
For indoor photography, it is a little more difficult because you need to prepare the lighting you will use. You can use a simple light box . Don't use a direct flash because photographing plastic objects at close range will not produce good results because the light is too harsh. Or if you want, you can make a simple studio to photograph your toys. You can use the kitchen area, living room, or even your garage. Make it as creative as possible.