There are several things you need to pay attention to for those who are just starting out as a photography hobby so you don't regret it later.
1. Don't rush to buy expensive equipment
To produce good photos you don't have to use expensive equipment. You just need to practice to get good photos. Once you know more about your interests, it's okay if you want to buy expensive equipment.
2. Consider purchasing a tripod
Buying a tripod is worth considering, especially if you have shaky hands. Apart from that, a tripod is very helpful in shooting with long exposures.
3. Take your camera everywhere
Good photos often come when you least expect them. You can take your camera wherever you go, so that when the moment is right you can immediately capture it. Or maybe alternatively, if you feel like it's a hassle carrying your camera everywhere, you can use your cellphone to take photos as a note of a scene and come back again with the camera.
4. Don't ignore 'ordinary' subjects
Maybe sometimes you don't see anything interesting to photograph, but you can try to look around from a different perspective. Maybe you can see in more detail or from a different perspective and angle.
5. Enjoy the process
The learning process can come from various sources and there are no enough words for learning. Continue to practice sensitivity so that you can see from a different perspective than most people.