Tips Memotret Dengan Kamera Polaroid Instax

Tips for Shooting with Instax Polaroid Cameras

For those of you who like taking photos using Polaroid Instax, do you know how to use it? Have you ever had a photo that was so dark or so bright that you couldn't see anything? It turns out there is an anti-failure method, KEE friends! Come on, take a look!

Polaroid cameras have a predetermined ISO and shutter speed, so you can't control them. So the key is in the icon near the camera lens which indicates which type of light your camera is detecting. The function of this icon is the same as the aperture on a DSLR lens, to detect how big the lens opening is. For example, your camera chooses the cloud or house icon for low light conditions so that your photos are brighter and not too dark. On the other hand, if your camera selects the sun or bright sun icon, then your camera detects very bright light. One more thing you need to remember, don't forget to change the dial button according to the icon that lights up.


But you can also play around with the icon, KEE friends. For example, if you are not satisfied with the results of your photo which you think is too dark, you can choose a darker icon on the dial button than what the camera recommends so that your photo will be brighter. Take a look at the example below:


There is also a hi-key icon whose function is to provide more exposure to the photo. For example, if you want to take a photo indoors, you select the house icon, but the result is still dark. You can use this hi-key icon for brighter results.

Easy right...? So, Mimin, there are some tips that you need to remember:

  1. Never use flash because the results are weird
  2. The camera focal point is around 0.6-2.4 m. If you take a photo closer or further away from that point, your photo will likely be blurry.
  3. Outdoor shooting results are better than indoors.
  4. Use the hi-key icon for indoor shooting but don't use the hi-key when outdoors.
  5. If you are confused about which icon to choose, you can follow the icon suggested by the camera.
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