Tips Membuat Ekspresi Menarik Pada Foto

Tips for Make Interesting Expressions in Photos

Having a beautiful face and big eyes is everyone's dream. Especially when taking photos, everyone definitely wants good results, right? You can try these tips to give off the expression of a mature woman, how sad it is...

Turn your face away from the camera

Eyes are the most important part of a photo. You can add expression to your eyes to make your photo look more attractive. You can try looking down. Don't look at the camera with sad eyes, this will result in the photo looking sleepy. You need to make sure that there is a catchlight in your eyes so that they look more expressive and your eyes are not empty.

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You can set the camera at a position of 20-45 degrees from your face and don't forget to lift your chin slightly so that your eyes don't look slanted. It is recommended to use a tripod and self timer so that you can express yourself more freely without being hampered by the hand that has to hold the camera.

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