Komposisi Golden Ratio vs Rule of Thirds

Golden Ratio vs Rule of Thirds Composition

Many people said that the golden ratio composition is similar to the rule of thirds. Let's discuss it to make it clearer.

In the rule of thirds composition there are lines that form 9 equal parts, then you just need to position your subject at the intersection of the lines or on one of the lines.

For landscape photos it is advisable not to place the horizon line in the middle, you can put it on 1/3 or 2/3 of the frame.

Source : https://expertphotography.com/
Source : https://expertphotography.com/

Golden ratio vs Rule of Thirds

These two compositions are actually slightly different. Technically, you could say the rule of thirds is easier because you just position your subject on the line and voila your photo will look more attractive compared to placing the subject in the middle of the frame. If there is 1 subject you want to take, you can use the rule of thirds, but if there are several subjects you want to take in one photo, it is recommended to use the golden ratio composition because with this composition, you can guide the viewer's eyes according to the spiral line. and ends at the center of the spiral. The subject you take can be a building, person, or other object. In other words, the composition of the golden ratio can provide more information and tell a story.

Source : https://expertphotography.com/
Source : https://expertphotography.com/

There are several opinions that say the golden ratio is better than the rule of thirds, from a good photo to wow, really good! What do you think, KEE friends?

Source : https://petapixel.com/

Source : https://petapixel.com/

Source : https://petapixel.com/
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