Apa sih Instagram Guide?-KEE INDONESIA

What are Instagram Guides?

KEE friends, have you tried this new feature on Instagram yet? With guides, you can create tutorials, tips, recommendations, not only that, you can also add titles and descriptions.

There are 3 types of guides:

  1. Places: To provide recommendations for your favorite places
  2. Products: To recommend your favorite products which can be directly connected to the Instagram Shop
  3. Post: Recommended posts that you have created or saved
Source : https://later.com/


It turns out that this feature has quite a lot of benefits, from providing information, telling stories, to providing instructions and suggestions.

Where can you find the Instagram Guide?

It's easy KEE friends, you just go to your profile, the guide icon is in the row of posts, IG TV and tagged photos.

Source : https://later.com/

Another advantage of the guide feature is that you can send and share to Instagram stories by clicking the paper airplane icon.

Source : https://later.com/

For KEE friends, you can really use this feature for your portfolio. How interesting! What do you think about this new Instagram feature ...? 

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